A smart bathroom layout is one that combines functionality with individual needs and unique style. No matter how minor or how extensive your bathroom decorating plans may be, these helpful tips will give you an idea of what you need to take into consideration to put together the right bathroom layout. 1. Have a Bathroom Layout Master Plan A bathroom layout master plan starts with drawing a scale […]
There are some critical differences between commercial and residential design. Here’s everything you need to know. When most of us think of structure design, we often think of huge skyscrapers. But this commercial design is only one part of structure design. Residential homes and buildings are also a huge part of structure design. With both residential and commercial construction spending increasing, it’s important to understand […]
Hiring an residential designer is an unusual experience. You’re hiring a guide, a facilitator, a coach, an artist, and a magician if you’re really lucky. An residential designeris one of the few professionals you’ll ever pay to create more work for yourself, and to (probably) make your life a little harder for a while, but together you’ll achieve results you’d never get to otherwise. Most […]